Photos taken with electron microscopy for the 2012 FEI Image Contest. The images below show the head of an embryonic zebrafish, ground coffee, geranium pollen, mouse kidney, mosquito egg, corn starch, spider skin, bacteria in human intestine, and an aphid on a leaf. Can you guess which is which? 
Row 1: bacteria in human intestine, corn starch, spider skin
Row 2: aphid on leaf, mosquito egg, geranium pollen
Row 3: mouse kidney, ground coffee,  head of an embryonic zebrafish
18/2/2013 11:22:12 pm

I keep meaning to get myself one of those!

Conflicted Cauldron
19/2/2013 03:06:41 pm

Ha. Maybe by the time the little monster is in high school they will be available for home use.. like our microscope :)


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