Emma and Dexter hook up their last night at university knowing that Dexter is going off to travel the world for a year or two imminently  Unexpectedly to both of them they remain friends, even becoming close confidants. The book checks in with them on that same day over 20 years. Sometimes they are friends, sometimes not. Sometimes one is doing well, sometimes the other. Life happens. Going into a book like this you know they will have their When Harry Met Sally moment, but it was still an enjoyable ride.

What I particularly liked about this book is that the characters grow and change. I actually wasn't sure I would enjoy it too much in the beginning as I didn't particularly want to spent a whole book with their 22 year old selves. However, the struggles and changes they went through rang true to me, particularly some of the angst in Emma's early thirties era. Shocking eh?

Long Story Short: This is a story about relationships. Don't expect to many action scenes, but do expect emotional high drama. A quick and enjoyable read.

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