Monster Hunter International is a book about people who, well, hunt monsters. Owen Zastava Pitt, "Z", was a CPA and a (mostly) regular guy until his boss turns into a werewolf and they have an epic showdown. His victory catches the attention of MHI and he joins their company as a professional monster hunter.

First off, the name. Owen happens to be one of my all time favorite names for men. Pitt reminds me of Dirk Pitt, the misogynistic hero of the NUMA/Dirk Pitt books that I loved in middle school. Lastly, Zastava is supposed to be a Czech family name, so another random connection. Z is not unlike Dirk Pitt in personality either. Every time I read it, I could hear the loudspeaker on the tram announcing stops in my head. A tram stop is a zastavka. Zastavka apparently means a pledge.

Back to the story. Its a pretty fun adventure story with some fun surprises. The elves for example are not exactly ethereal. That said, Z likes guns. A lot. Really. There are luscious descriptions of guns described in utmost detail. What they look like, what they fire, how they feel, smell, taste, etc. If you happen to like both monsters and guns, this is definitely the book for you. If you're buying for an impressionable YA, maybe not.

Long Story Short: Brain candy overall enjoyable if you're into this story of thing. 

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